Inicio Estudios "COVID-19 convalescent plasma composition and immunological effects in severe patients "

"COVID-19 convalescent plasma composition and immunological effects in severe patients "

Fecha de publicación: 
Miércoles, Marzo 31, 2021

"Convalescent plasma (CP) has emerged as a treatment for COVID-19. However, the composition and mechanism of action are not fully known. Therefore, we undertook a two-phase controlled study in which, first the immunological and metabolomic status of recovered and severe patients were evaluated. Secondly, the 28-day effect of CP on the immune response in severe patients was assessed. Nineteen recovered COVID-19 patients, 18 hospitalized patients with severe disease, and 16 pre-pandemic controls were included. Patients with severe disease were treated with CP transfusion and standard therapy (i.e., plasma recipients, n = 9) or standard therapy alone (n = 9). Clinical and biological assessments were done on day 0 and during follow-up on days 4, 7, 14, and 28. Clinical parameters, viral load, total immunoglobulin (Ig) G and IgA anti-S1-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, neutralizing antibodies (NAbs), autoantibodies, cytokines, T and B cells, and metabolomic and lipidomic profiles were examined. Total IgG and IgA anti-S1-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies were key factors for CP selection and correlated with NAbs. In severe COVID-19 patients, mostly interleukin (IL)-6 (P = "

Tipo de estudio: 
Número de páginas: 
Dirección Gestión de Conocimiento
Fuente de financiación: 
Universidad del Rosario - Sura
Fuente de información: 
IDCBIS - Universidad del Rosario
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Información adicional

Política pública relacionada: 
Documento CONPES 3582 de 2009, “Política Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación"
Relación con el Plan Distrital de Desarrollo: 
Un nuevo contrato social y ambiental para el siglo XXI: Plan de Desarrollo Distrital 2020 - 2024